Sunday, July 25, 2010

What are the Advantages of Structured Settlement Mutual Funds?

When you have been awarded a settlement due to arbitration or through the order of a judge as a result of a lawsuit, one of the options open for receiving the award is by accepting structured mutual funds. But is this really a smart way to go? The fact is that it can be an ideal way of getting the most from the settlement. Here are a couple of reasons why.
Mutual funds are considered to be relatively safe in most markets. That is not to say that there is no risk involved whatsoever. However, the potential to realize more income from your settlement if it is invested in a mutual fund account is very real. When your situation is such that you do not need the settlement money to handle medical bills or provide revenue to fund home care, it is a very wise move to invest the money in something promises a higher yield than just a standard savings account. If you can manage without having to rely on payments from your settlement to take care of ongoing expenses, this can be a great way to build a nest egg for your later years.
A second advantage to structured settlement mutual funds is that you have some leeway to move the funds around as you experience life changes. This is not true when you are working with a fixed annuity program. There is no way to go back and make any type of changes in your payment structure. If you anticipate some life changes down the road, or even if you don’t but would like to make some changes in the payment disbursements at some point just because you want to, then mutual funds might be the smarter move for you.
Structured Settlement mutual funds are not right for everyone. It is important that you take a long hard look at this option before you agree to anything. To some degree, this means you will need to conduct some research before any firm decision is made. Do not be afraid to ask questions. The goal is to make sure you have what you need to live an equitable quality of life both now and in the future. If you need the money to make that happen now, then by all means set up the payments accordingly. But if you do not have to depend on the payments to meet ongoing expenses, then investing for the future is a smart idea.

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