If you are still in mutual funds, listen up. Because if you are a reasonable person, you will want to run to the login screen of your online brokerage and look for proof to what I am about to reveal to you. ETFs offer downside risk protection no mutual fund can match.
It is a difference that could cost you thousands in your investment or retirement portfolio.
Okay, maybe you do not HAVE thousands in your investment accounts. If you are just starting to invest your money, pay particular attention my friend. The following page should make your decision between an ETF (exchange traded fund) and a mutual fund clear enough to make an investment decision or take corrective action if necessary.
Here are some basics.
ETFs and mutual funds are similar in that they both hold baskets of securities. A balanced mutual fund can hold bonds, stocks, T-bills and some cash. An ETF is essentially derived from stocks but takes on many forms.
Before I tell you about the potential mistake that could cost you thousands, here are the important differences between ETFs and mutual funds:
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